Polymath Consulting practitioners has published a number of thought papers on E-Money, prepaid cards and emerging payments. These both provide practical advice as well as looking into the future and are free to download.
If the Whitepaper has been interesting do contact us as we may have further information we can supply on the topic or new udpated data. davidparker@polymathconsulting.com
Taking on the Ledger/Account of Record Implications
In recent years we have seen a trend toward brands/third parties wanting to hold the ledger/ Account of Record who are not a certified scheme processor. There can be good reasons for this e.g. where the brand is regulated and holds a credit licence and has built the technology to run a credit card or some other form of lending product and needs to connect to the scheme only. In such cases they sit under their own regulation and the BIN sponsor is just the Card BIN Sponsor and not the regulation sponsor. The more common scenario though is where a wallet/account that wants the card to in effect act as a debit card. The wallet is running on a non-scheme certified processor, in this case the brand wants to ensure that funds are available. There is a big difference between where the Wallet party is regulated and where they are not, as the document highlights.
A perceived reason for ledger’s being used is the desire to have ‘greater control’, that is agency banking i.e. Sort Code & Account Number / IBAN are linked to an account not held at the processor and cards are one of many ways users access their funds. This does not however, change the controls access or risk scenarios as discussed within this paper. Another possible key driver for holding ledgers has been PSD2 open banking. This allows AISP services access up to four times a day automatically; if a party is paying for API/Webservice calls to a processor this can get very expensive. However, there are several set-ups that can be utilised that do not require a shifting of the balance, nor greatly increased expense and this paper will highlight these considerations.
The following white paper thus considers the issues that the payment industry faces where third parties, often nonregulated, want to hold the ledger.
GDPR Compliance for Bin Sponsors, Programme Managers and Wallet/Card Processors
GDPR how it affects EU BIN sponsors with non EU processors
Commercial V Consumer BIN
A short white paper that explains the differences between commercial and consumer BINs from a scheme perspective as they apply in Europe.
A Brief History of Payments
This is a brief history of payments from the beginning to the modern digital world.
Selecting a Programme Manger
Selecting a Programme Manager can be minefield with so many companies claiming to offer the best fit/solution. In this short white paper we outline the key areas that a brand needs to consider when selecting a programme manager and that will enable them to wittle the many down to a few.
Processor: Emoney Debit and Prepaid What are your options?
There are a number of options that exist when considering processing for Emoney Debit and Prepaid cards. This white paper considers where the balances and authorisation is taken from and what factors you need to consider when selecting an outsourced managed processor. It also lists the main processors available in Europe for you to consider.
Becoming a Programme Manager, roles and responsibilities, should you do it?
Many companies consider becoming a prepaid card programme manager. This paper outlines the considerations when making that decision, but also the roles and responsibilities a Prepaid Card Programme Manager has.
ID and Access Control
We have started to see the growth of open loop prepaid functionality being added into/onto ID and access control at Universities and Stadiums. This short white paper picks up on some of the schemes around the world.
New: Updated Review of Cashless Stadiums, Events and Festivals
This is a short round up of open and closed loop payment devices being used to create cashless stadiums around the world and their uses in festivals. This 2013 updated report has new uses and further details on existing programmes.
UAE First Mall Gift Card
Ibn Battuta Mall launched in August 2009 the UAEs first Mall Gift Card. This is a short case study on it.
Survey 2008: Getting it Right in Europe
In 2008 Polymath Consultancy asked the opinions of key people across a number of European processors, networks, consultants, programme managers and banks about what the key issues are that the UK needs to get right to ensure the predicted growth is turned to reality.
Gift Card Malls their role and future
Published in late 2007 the paper looked at the role of Gift Card malls in educating consumers and their penetration both current and forecast in the UK market.
Staff Incentive and Reward Cards
The paper sets out to identify if Prepaid Cards have a role in staff incentive and motivation based both on practical examples and theoretical research and then look at their future.
Multifunction Prepaid Cards
The paper defines what multifunction prepaid cards are, highlights some case studies and argues that they are a key solution for prepaid applications in the future.
Prepaid Cards - What can they learn from other industries?
With consumers said to be tightening their belts what learnings or hope do other sectors offer for prepaid payment cards.
Turn Down Prepaid Card - UniCredit Case Study
Using a prepaid card to Credit Card turn downs has been talked about a lot. There are few examples though where this is done seamlessly. The following case study outlines the Czech Republic UniCredit example.
BIN Sponsorship - How and Why
Many banks are considering if they should become a BIN sponsor for Prepaid Cards. This short document outlines why a Bank may consider offering this service, outlines how much money they will make and what their responsibilities are. This document tries to address five key questions, prior to this it will outline the overall position of the BIN sponsor in the Prepaid Value chain
1. When are BIN Sponsors relevant
2. Why become a BIN Sponsor, Typical BIN Sponsor Financials
3. Relationship Structure
4. BIN Sponsors Risks
5. BIN Sponsor Responsibilities and Programme set up
Hybrid Prepaid Cards - A review of current cards
Hybrid Prepaid Cards, are they a new opportunity for issuers and brands. In this short report Polymath Consultancy has reviewed the products that are currently available both in the USA and UK and looked at Prepaid cards that offer additional functionality than just being a prepaid payment card.
PSD2 A Future of Payments White Paper
PSD2, is a huge subject but how does it affect EMoney and Emerging Payments this white paper highlights the issues and opportunities PSD2 creates.
Cashless Stadiums, Events & Festivals

A new global review of cashless stadiums both open and closed loop. A look at the recent open loop trials at festivals in Europe.
Outsource Review

A key question many brands ask as their initial prepaid card contract comes up for review is ‘Have we got the best deal?’ Polymath Consulting's structured review process can help ensure you are getting the best deal or find you the best solution if just launching.