Polymath Consulting practitioners are regularly invited to speak and chair leading industry conferences. We have currently booked to attend/speak at the following, let us know if you would like to meet there.
Upcoming Conferences
Previous Conferences
Judge, 24th to 27th February at Mobile World Congress
Judge, 13th November 2019
Judging, 3rd October 2019
Chairing, 13th November 2019
Chairing, 28th and 29th January 2020
Chairing, 3rd and 4th December 2019
Conference Chair and sitting on the Dragons Den, 8th & 9th October 2019
Chairing and sitting on the Dragons Den, February 18 - 20th
Chairing, 19th - 21st February 2019
Chairing, 29th and 30th January 2019
Chair, London 5 - 6 December 2018
Judging GLOMO Awards, Barcelona 25 - 29th February 2019 at MWC
Chair, 3rd and 4th October 2018, London
Chair of Session, 4 - 6th June 2018, Amsterdam
Attending, 1st March 2018, London
Chairing Payments Panel, 20 - 22nd February 2018, Berlin
Judge for MPE Awards
Chair of Payments Panel, 26 - 28nd February 2018, Barcelona
Chair of Payments Panel, 30th and 31st January 2018, Paris
Judge, 29th November 2017, Cannes, France
Panel Chair, London, 6th and 7th December 2017
Speaking on the Get Regulated Database, London, 3rd October 2017
Main Conference Chair and Chairing Banking Stream, London, 4th and 5th October 2017
Chairing, 27th September 2017
Panel Chair, 26th - 28th June 2017
6, 7, 8th November: Paris, France
Sarah Francis: Chairing E/M Commerce
David Parker: Speaking on Prepaid Card Innovation
11th October, London
11/12/13 September, Attending
October 29th 2012
Polymath Consulting with MTI are running a one day training course for Banks, Telcos and Vendors on Prepaid cards. Email us for more information.
Prepaid Expo Chair
Cashless Stadiums, Events & Festivals

A new global review of cashless stadiums both open and closed loop. A look at the recent open loop trials at festivals in Europe.
Outsource Review

A key question many brands ask as their initial prepaid card contract comes up for review is ‘Have we got the best deal?’ Polymath Consulting's structured review process can help ensure you are getting the best deal or find you the best solution if just launching.