Nirvana, is it achievable re instant gratification for consumers
A recent article in New York Times stated:
MasterCard plans to announce a partnership with Condé Nast, the publisher of Vogue, Wired, Vanity Fair and other popular magazines, that will allow digital readers to instantly buy items described in an article or showcased in an advertisement by tapping a shopping cart icon on the page. The partnership, called ShopThis, will begin in the November tablet edition of Wired, due on Oct. 15.
Full article attached.
But my question is simple the level of integrations required by retailers, publishers/content distributors and others is immense. Whilst these are great 'headline grabbing' ideas and demonstrations of technology, can they ever really be rolled out and gain national/global scale. After all the user needs the app, and there are bound to be competition so how do they know which one to use, the publishers have to choose their preference, will it really have an effective ROI for all parties involved for the extra work?
For Shoppers, Next Level of Instant
New shopping services will allow consumers to instantly buy items they see on television, in magazines and even in their refrigerators.
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